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  • How The Pieces Move >> Queens         Pawns     Knights     Bishops     Rooks     Archbishops     Chancellors     Kings

    The Queen combines the moves of a Rook and Bishop, as shown in the animation above.
    As in regular 8x8 chess, the Queen is still the most valuable piece in Trice's Chess. It is often "hunted" by the enemy Archbishop or Chancellor.
    Deciding whether or not to trade one's own Queen for a Chancellor or Archbishop, even with additional Pawns thrown in, is not merely an accounting decision. Sometimes the Pawn structure is more suitable to the Archbishop or Chancellor, and both sides must avoid "typical chess thinking" when just performing combination arithmatic. See some of the great games for examples of this notion.
    Beware of Stalemate         Pawns     Knights     Bishops     Rooks     Archbishops     Chancellors     Kings

    Once you arrive in the endgame in Trice's Chess, as in regular 8x8 chess, be mindful of positions where your Queen might stalemate the enemy King. This is always an unfortunate situation, and it happens most often in severe time pressure in clocked games.
    If promoting a Pawn to a Queen, make sure it is not a "Knight's Move" away from the enemy King.
    The animation shown above demonstrates the final position where, if it is black to move, the white Queen has given stalemate. Black has no legal moves, but his King is not in check.
    That is the very definition of stalemate.
    The side with the Queen must make sure it is not exhausting the final square available for the enemy King if he is not already in check.
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