STEP 1. When you first log into the server, you will be directed to another page that looks like the one
shown above. Instead of GothicChessInventor you will see the name you have chosen for yourself. If you are ready to play a new
game of Trice's Chess then select the New Game item.
STEP 2. Here is where things are a little confusing, and the reason we created these instructions. The variants on this site are categorized
and not listed by name as you might expect. Furthermore, even with some knowledge of "what kind" of variant, it might actually qualify for ALL of the groupings!
As shown below, click anywhere inside the region I have framed here in a purple rectangle. It is the one that says "New chess pieces appear" below the 3rd grouping.
STEP 3. Now you can see the old Gothic Chess name. Until the site owner updates his pages, this name will be shown. Click on that.
STEP 4. Below you will see some kind of "dialog box" with a few self-explanatory options. It is considered "etiquette" to allow the website to randomly assign
colors for the game. If you want to play a specific color, like white for example, remove that check from the associated checkbox and you will have
the option to select a color.
STEP 5. Just click on the big START button, and your game will get created. It will be shown to all who log in that are looking for games already specified.
When someone accepts your challenge, you will be notified by email, and the game will also be present and highly visible the next time you log into the server.